The Great Migration of Workers
In Area Development, Ben Worrell discusses how companies must understand how a shift in workforce development and remote work will impact their location decisions.
There are many factors communities and businesses do not have direct control over: the economy, inflation, criminal activities, just to name a few. However, there are opportunities that can be explored and enacted in the short term to impact longer-term outcomes. Communities and businesses must come together to work through these complex problems and the first step is openly reviewing the issues at hand. By collaborating on problem areas, people — community leaders, business owners, and the employees and families who live there — can share ideas and invest wisely in new initiatives that position themselves for the best opportunities. This workforce migration issue and opportunity will not disappear overnight, but with solid planning and collaboration, communities can begin to make an impact and move in the right direction.
As a consultant for McGuire Sponsel’s Credits and Incentives practice, Ben Worrell fosters client relationships by guiding clients through the intricate compliance requirements associated with credits and incentives benefits.
Ben builds confidence in the McGuire Sponsel client relationship by working with clients throughout the duration of their project – not just in a one-off transaction.